Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kick Me by Paul Feig


Paul Feig is the creator of the T.V. show "Freaks and Geeks" which is one of the greatest shows of all time. The character Sam in the show is based largely on Paul Feig.

This book is hilarious. Laugh out loud type hilarity. I read it during my trip to Virginia as we helped Mike drive his cars out there about five years ago. I remember reading one chapter out loud to Mike during the final home stretch and I was laughing so hard while I was trying to read it. Good times. The book is just a collection of different experiences that he had as a geeky youngster. Most of the stories are extremely embarrassing for him, so much so that you wonder why he would want to publish them for the world to see.

My favorite stories were: (1) The one where he was at home alone and decided for some reason to get dressed up in his Mom's clothes. While in such garb, he hears a car crash on his street and sees that it's his parents car, so he runs down the street to the scene of the incident, high heels and all. (2) The one where, for gym class, they have to practice giving CPR to this dummy and he is terrified because of the germs of all these kids mouths all over the dummy. He fakes fainting and the mentally disabled boy in the class then proceeds to attempt CPR on him. (3) The one where he becomes a statistician for the high school football team even though he knows nothing about sports. This is the one I read out loud to Mike. It was just funny hearing his description of the guy in the booth explaining how to keep the stats and how foreign all of it was to him.

If you want to read a book for some good laughs, I recommend this one.

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