Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner



I finished this book back in February. I read this one with Mallory. This one was super uninteresting to me. The story felt so directionless. Everything is overly vague with no resolution whatsoever. Mystery to a story can be a useful tool but in this book it's just annoying for some reason, almost like you feel like the author himself doesn't know what's going on either and so he just leaves everything unanswered. The main character passes out at the conclusion of every other chapter. The writing isn't great. It wasn't in the Maze Runner either, but I gave it a pass since the story and its setting were interesting enough. I probably would have given this one a worse ranking except my daughter really likes these books and her enjoyment for them makes me like them slightly more than I otherwise would if I was reading it by myself. Not much else to say. I read it several months ago and honestly don't really remember much about it.

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