Thursday, January 28, 2010

Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card


This is the sequel to Ender's Game. It's pretty good. It's much more science fictiony (and philosophical) than Ender's Game and not nearly as many cool things happen in it. Also, Ender plays a less prominent role, which, to me, is a downfall. But alas, it is still worth a read. Just don't expect it to match Ender's Game. You have been duly warned. On a side note, Card says that this book was the original book he wanted to write and the reason he even wrote Ender's Game at all. Therefore, it can stand alone without Ender's Game. I just wouldn't recommend it.

It's cool in the sense that we find out what happens to Ender after the grand finale of Ender's Game. A few cool things: Ender and hive-queen action, a computer that speaks to Ender through a chip in his ear, it's been many a long year since Ender should even be thought to be alive and his identity is hidden in those regards, and I guess other things. It's been a while since I read it, but rest assured, Ender is still a dominator.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Mike wanted to name Preston Ender...I wouldn't let him. Plus E's are hard to write in cursive.