Friday, January 17, 2014

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader by the Bathroom Readers' Institute


It's true, I am doing a blog post about this Bathroom reader book. Because it is awesome. I read most of it in the bathroom (Dad style) but would sometimes not be able to put it down and so took it out of the confines of the bathroom and perused it in other rooms. It was given to me as a birthday present on my mission by my MTC companion. What a thoughtful guy.

It covers all sorts of fun, useless info including, but not limited to: American myths, TV facts, toy origins, names that became words, where superstitions come from, food origins, and funny quotes from dudes like Will Rogers, Woody Allen, and Mark Twain. It is also from this book that I learned where tips at restaurants came from (it stands for "to insure prompt service" and allowed those who chose to pay a tip to skip others in line). Each page is a whole new adventure. I recommend that you read this book and learn pointless information. And as the back cover of the book says: When this book is strategically placed in your home, there will be "no more frantic searches at the last minute for that perfect magazine article. No agonizing choices between light reading and the serious stuff. This little volume has it all."

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