Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie


I read this on the mission in 2003. This book is a classic. It really is great. It's very thorough, very comprehensive, and yet each topic is fairly concise for the most part. Except "Signs of the Times" which goes on for several pages. It's a good book to learn more about common topics like "Prayer" and "Faith" but also great for random topics that you've never heard of or thought about. And there are scripture references galore for everything. It's just a good book to be used for scripture and gospel study.

There are tons of quotes that could be shared and I even had several chosen, but I decided to only share this one which is found in the topic "Vicarious Ordinances":

"Salvation is based on the vicarious atoning sacrifice of Christ.... He acted on man's behalf, that is, vicariously, paying the penalty for our sins on condition of repentance, ransoming us from the effects of Adam's fall."

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