Monday, May 11, 2015

New British Poetry


On the heels of my Shakespeare sonnets post, I will add this poetry book I read back in 2008 I believe. And I will again reiterate that I just don't really get poetry. At all.

In the intro it explains that the poet is trying to say "something original, something they had not said before, in a way they believe no one had said before." I get that and it seems like I should like poetry. But I usually don't. I just read these lines that are extremely vague and confusing and don't seem to have any point or purpose.

The intro also says that poets "attempt to reward the reader for their investment." I get that part of it too. But this isn't my full time job where I can sit and ponder a poem for hours on end. I would prefer for a poem to be entertaining combined with some brief moments of pondering and reflection. But most poetry, at least the poems in this book, requires far more pondering and reflection than I am willing to commit for the final payoff of whatever weird point the poet was trying to make. A little reward for even bothering to pick up your poem and read it in the first place would be nice every once in a while.

Plus, poems that don't ever rhyme? I just can't ever reason myself into liking non-rhyming poems. And 95% of this book is non-rhyming poems.

Lastly, I looked through the entire book for a quote to share and didn't find anything. Seriously, seems like poems should be loaded with quote material but it just doesn't happen like I think it should I guess.

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