Saturday, June 26, 2021

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer



Finished reading this about a month ago. Mallory picked it for me to read, but my six-year-old Brandon saw it and was super interested in it. He's obsessed with the Titanic and George Washington, so learning about Mt. Everest is very on brand for Brandon. So I read the entire book to him. We both loved it, although he certainly had moments of disinterest. I found it completely fascinating and as good of a picture of the Mt. Everest experience I could imagine. Add to it the fact that there was some intense drama with lives in the balance, with several being lost, and this was one of those books that is hard to put down. The story of Beck Weathers was totally unbelievable, something I would have scoffed at if this were a fiction novel, and yet he somehow managed to survive after being left for dead multiple times. I knew Mt. Everest was a dangerous climb but I didn't fully realize just how frequent death was, basically every year to some degree. I feel bad for those who lost their lives but they seemed to be doing what they loved. I enjoyed getting to learn more about the mountain and it gave me some of the adventurous spirit that I had as a youngster, making me want to go out and do some hiking.

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