Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fake Entry

I have jumped through the requisite hoops and over the required hurdles to create my own blog. Although, it took me two tries to type the correct code from the blended, curved letters. You know the ones. I created this blog because in my Advanced Writing class our choices were to either take a Midterm or create our own blogs. I couldn't think of a good name for my blog, suggestions are now being taken. Blogger is telling me that 'couldn't' isn't a word, whoa, neither is 'isn't'. I guess it is proper to say 'could not' and 'is not'. Lesson learned, Blogger. Fascinating stuff. My writing sure is advanced. Also, I could not choose a good background because there were only about 8 options and they were debatably lame. I guess it is fine though, I do not want it to be too flashy. I like to fly under the radar like that. That is why I do not wear shirts with funny sayings on them or bright, colorful shoes.
I suppose it is time to go figure out how to post this, oh, must be the 'publish post' button underneath this text. Signing out...until next time America...see you on the flip side, America...toot.


Matt said...

Proud to be the first one to comment on your blog. Since this is for a class does that mean that your professor will be reading your blog? You better stay positive about how awesome school is. Plus, I do plan on writing in my blog once something happens in my life. Plus, I suggest you name your blog "John's Blog."

Stephanie said...

If I can do it, then you should have no problem!