Saturday, December 10, 2011

Brick Lane by Monica Ali


I read this book 3 years ago for my Contemporary British Literature class, and all I can say is, "Bo-ring." I mean, look at the book cover. That says it all.

This was not a very fun book to read. It is about this Bangladeshi lady who married this guy twice her age by way of an arranged marriage and moves to England and has to figure out how to adjust to this new culture and way of life. Just not my cup o' tea. I didn't totally hate this book, but I certainly didn't like it. Although, I did hate the way, way excessive amount of way, way long letters that her sister would write her in way, way crappy English. I am assuming her sister didn't write the letters in English, so why are we translating them into crappy English? Just translate it normal. Seriously. You can't expect me to enjoy reading page after page after page of herky-jerky, unintelligible English.


"Work in itself, performed with a desire for perfection, was capable of giving satisfaction."

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