Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage


My off and on blog posting continues, on into the year 2013.

I began reading the book in the MTC, read it the whole plane ride to Houston, and finished it up at some point in The Woodlands, Texas. It was one of my favorite things I've ever read. It was the second church book I ever read and had a powerful impact on me. It helped me to start off my mission with the proper focus and attention on the Savior. Talmage is extremely thorough and very intelligent. It is probably a book that I should re-read at some point in my life. It was also the book that introduced me to the word 'superfluous.' He used that word tons of times.

Unfortunately, I read this at a time when I did not underline in my books. So I will be unable to post the many, many great lines from this book. Maybe I will underline during my future re-read. But...I did find one random line that was underlined. Not sure why this line was chosen above all others, but here it is: "Every human soul is stamped with the image and superscription of God." Jesus the Christ by Talmage is stamped with my stamp of approval.

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