Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life Before Life by Richard Eyre


Second post in one week, I am rolling. I read this little book back in 2005. I remember the year because I read it while living with the Powell's in Provo. I actually read the whole thing on the toilet a la my Dad. It's true.

It is a pretty quick read and full of solid quotes and thoughts about the pre-existence. If I remember correctly, the book wasn't so much about what life was like before we came to earth but more about what it means and how it helps us knowing that we did in fact live before we came to earth. It's a good uplifter type of book, kind of in the mold of Stephen Covey's stuff. It's worth the time to read and could actually be taken care of in just a few days. So there you have it.

I leave you with some quotes:

The book opens with an awesome William Wordsworth poem:
"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home."

"Because we are spiritual beings we have spiritual memories, memories that are dim but not gone, veiled but not blocked. Thus spiritual truths resonate; they feel right. They ring true. They have about them a spiritual logic and light."

"God's commitment to our agency does not lessen His interest in us."

"Belief in life after life gives us hope. Belief in life before life gives us worth."

"Knowing about living before can change everything about living now."

"In the purity of little children, we see God."

"True faith comes when we trust that God's methods are beyond us but that His motives are for us."

"Believing and living are integrated parts of a two-way street. Believing something helps us to live it because we want to, and living something helps us to believe it because it works."

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