Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ulysses by James Joyce


I finished this book today. It was the worst book I have ever read in my life. And I dare say that it is the worst book that I will ever read in my life. It is pure nonsensical gibberish. For 768 pages. I was amazed that a person could write so incomprehensibly. When you think about it, it is probably pretty hard to write sentences without having them make any sense. So to do that for 768 pages is a pretty spectacular feat. The book reads like it was written by a mentally challenged person who is drunk. It's bad. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, if you like this book, I cannot be friends with you. It's that simple. A person who likes this book is not a person I ever want to have a conversation with. Chapter 13 was the least terrible chapter. If every chapter were written like chapter 13 then it would still be the worst book I have ever read, but I could maybe be friends with a person who liked that kind of book. Chapter 17 started with some potential but quickly spiraled downward into the all-too-familiar pointless gibberish. I'm excited to move on and read my next book. This one wasted two months worth of reading. And it wasted two minutes worth of posting this on my blog.

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