Sunday, February 7, 2016

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay


I read this several years ago. It is a church manual from back in 2003 or thereabouts. It is good, just like all the others. President McKay seemed like a real swell guy.

This is the last "Teachings" book for me to post. For those keeping score, that means I have read 11 of these. For the even more observant, it means that I have read all of them except the Lorenzo Snow and George Albert Smith books (and Howard W. Hunter which just started this year). I've read about half of Snow and about 1/4 of G.A.S. I'll get to them someday.

A few quotes from Pres. McKay:

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." You know I'd go there.

"What the spirit is to the body, God is to the spirit. When the spirit leaves the body, it is lifeless, and when we eliminate God from our lives, spirituality languishes."

"What a man continually thinks about determines his actions in times of opportunity and stress."

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