Sunday, May 26, 2019

Night by Elie Wiesel


I finished reading this a few weeks ago. It is legit heartbreaking. I'm really at a loss of words on how to discuss it. It's the personal history of a young boy who experienced and survived the Holocaust. Just completely terrifying and horrific. And I almost got the feel that he was underselling the horror of the whole thing; nothing felt exaggerated of propped up for sympathy. Just a straight retelling of the most shocking experiences and sufferings imaginable. There are times where the descriptions seem a bit fragmentary or in not as much detail as I would prefer. But then other times the details are truly horrific - like the telling of the hanging of the young boy whose weight was not enough to kill him quickly and he just hung and suffered there for an extended period of time. Elie was a religious young boy who completely loses his faith in God through this ordeal and you can hardly blame him to be honest. Just another part of the tragedy.

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