Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak


I finished reading this a few days ago. I enjoyed this one. It was well written and interestingly presented. It had great characters and a great setting for a story: Nazi Germany. Most books have a few boring characters but I enjoyed reading about every character in this one. I think my favorite part of the story was getting to see that their were some real, true, decent Germans during World War II. Many of these folks also suffered greatly, but just obviously in a different way than the Jews.

I had a hard time buying in to the Death as the narrator thing but finally came around to it. I just kept thinking that it didn't make sense for Death to know all these details about Liesel so why is he the person narrating the tale? But that part is explained and I'm fine with it. Ended up being a pretty cool perspective to have Death sharing his thoughts about the human race.

I also really liked the ending and found it pretty moving. I was happy that Liesel and Max were able to be reunited again at the end and I thought it was done superbly by not overdoing it, but simply stating that they hugged and cried and fell to the floor. They both had lost everything and everyone and I was with them in that moment.

Good writing, good characters, good story, good book.

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