Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Answers for Young Latter-Day Saints


This little ditty is a book I randomly unearthed in a box full of odd and ends inside the closet of some missionaries apartment on the mission. And I said, "Don't mind if I do." My favorite is the cover.

So it's a collection of 108 questions, to be exact, which were answered in the New Era by Church leaders and random members I've never heard of. There are some big name dudes who provide their wisdom, namely: Spencer W. Kimball, Gordon B. Hinckley, and Stephen R. Covey, among others. It's got some good stuff, but mostly ok stuff mixed in with funny topics. Some of my favorites being the classic 1977-era concerns about playing cards, hypnotism, and hitchhiking. Ha ha.

One quote from a question about temple recommend requirements:

Person's answer quoting Harold B. Lee, "When you enter a holy temple, you are by that course gaining fellowship with the Saints in God's eternal kingdom."

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