Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our Search For Happiness by M. Russell Ballard


In honor of Ballard's general conference talk today, I am making this post. I read this on the mission, way back in the year 2002. In the yeeeeaaaaar 2002 (Conan O'Brien joke).

This is a quick , 124-page book about the Church and written as a kind of introduction to the founding and basic teachings of the Church. I remember liking it. Not as much as the Talmage Missionary Reference Library books of course. But it was probably a more useful book to me as a missionary wanting to introduce the Church to others. But yes, it was good and helpful, but less memorable than the two Talmage and Legrand Richards ones. Do read it, though, if you haven't.


"[A]fter the spirit of Christ enters our hearts and our souls, we can never be the same again."

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