Saturday, March 29, 2014

Forrest Gump by Winston Groom


I read this book six or seven years ago. It was written about eight years before the movie came out. The movie is probably my favorite of all time, at least top three. The book isn't in my top three but it is still amazingly hilarious. And it's actually quite different than the movie. It has mostly the same characters, but Forrest's adventures are different. For example, Forrest actually becomes an astronaut and goes to space with a monkey who becomes his pal. They then crash in the ocean somewhere just off an island and become prisoners to these cannibals. There he learns to play chess and becomes super amazing at it (instead of ping pong). There are other examples as well, such as the circumstances of his relationships with his best-good friend Bubba (they meet at college, not the army) and Jenny (they are off and on in both but never marry in the book).

If you love the movie then you will love the book and enjoy Forrest's other adventures. I imagine if I had read the book first though that I would maybe have been upset with how different the movie was. So I'm glad I read it after seeing the movie. And I guess there's a second book called "Gump and Co." which was written after the movie came out. I guess I'll have to put that on my books to read list.

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