Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card


I read this probably about 4 years ago, and made hilarious shadow puppets on the wall a few days ago much to Mallory's delight. It is the third of the four books about Bean. And, for some reason, I still haven't read the last book.

This one was enjoyable enough, although no where near as good as Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow, obviously. I don't recall a whole lot of specifics from the book other than Achilles from battle school plots a whole bunch of different traps in an attempt to kill Bean (and others). He gets his come-uppins. It's a fun enough read for those who like learning about the goings on of the various battle schoolers.


"To know and refuse to know what you know, that is foolishness."

"Self-delusion dies hard."

"It's better to believe that some high purpose guides our steps than to think that nothing matters except our own small miseries and happinesses."

"It's hard to stand when you have no spine."

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