Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis


Probably time for another Narnia post. This is one of my favorites from the Narnia series. Sometimes I've told myself that it's my favorite Narnia book, but upon further reflection, it certainly can't be better than The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe can it?

The Silver Chair is the first time we don't have any of the Pevensie children. We have Eustace who is a cousin of the Pevensie's and a carry-over character from The Voyage of the 'Dawn Treader'. And we also have Aslan for brief snippets of course. It's a fun book. I think I like it because it has a quest feel to it, a la The Lord of the Rings, as they go in search of Prince Caspian's (now King Caspian's) son. But I mostly like it because of the intense conclusion (well, at least as intense as a Narnia book can get). I really thought the ending was well done and enjoyable.

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