Monday, June 22, 2020

Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson


Finished reading this last night. It was a fun adventure. Never have I read so much authentic Scottish dialect, "bonny" and "unco" probably being my two favorites. It was pretty humorous most of the time. But this is a great buddy adventure with the two main characters really developing a true bond despite being completely different people with different backgrounds and viewpoints. It was fun to see them meet and how loyal they became to each other. I liked both characters a lot. While I liked the book overall, it did seem to lack some true excitement that could have pushed to book to a true classic. But instead it was a lot of slow crawling through heather and waiting around for the coast to clear as they made their journey through the north country. But there was still a fair bit of adventure and excitement overall.


"[Y]e are neither very wise nor very Christian to blow off so many words of anger. They will do the harm, and yourself no good."

"There are two things that men should never weary of, goodness and humility."

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