Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins


I finished reading this a few nights ago. I enjoyed it. The characters were pretty well written, especially the main character. The premise of the story was a good one that was almost impossible to botch. I liked the style of the presentation, with the first-person narrator told through the three main female characters, but with one of the character's narration lagging behind but slowly catching up to the present. I also liked the amnesia style storytelling, Memento style, where the main character slowly pieces things together from her memory.

Some things that I didn't like was the ending where the killer just opens up and explains the entire murder in front of his wife. Just seemed too far-fetched. Also didn't like how the main character just shows up at the house to explain all this to the wife without even knowing whether the killer is still home or not. The language was also a bit too raunchy at times for my liking.

This was a good book that I looked forward to reading each night which is what it's all about.

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