Sunday, December 9, 2018

Animal Farm by George Orwell


I finished reading this today. Seems like I should have read this a long time ago. Indeed, this was an assigned book for 12th grade English class but I didn't read it for some reason. Not sure why as it's a short and fairly simple book so it shouldn't have been too overly burdensome. Goes to show how lazy I was as a youngster I suppose.

I like this book. It's a fun one and shows how a crappy leader can really jack things up for a whole lot of people. Totalitarianism is bad, fyi. It was funny how the leader pig, Napoleon, just kept changing all of the original "commandments" and would just get away with it super easy, mostly thanks to his propaganda speaker, Squealer. All the animals on Animal Farm were pretty submissive to this new dictator. But I guess they were in a tough spot since they would get murdered if they questioned anything.

This book, along with 1984, is what Orwell is known for. I like both books, but think I like 1984 a bit more because it seems "scarier." Glad I finally got around to reading this one, almost two decades late to the party though.


"His answer to every problem, every setback, was 'I will work harder!'"

"Meanwhile life was hard." I thought this was a funny segue sentence.

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