Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck


One of my favorite books ever. A top fiver. I remember when I was a wee little lass and my brother Brett was reading this book in high school and told me the whole story one night. I thought it was a crazy awesome story. When I finally got around to reading the book myself I learned that not only do I like stories but I like reading. This book is one of the books that helped me realize that I enjoy reading. The book was fun, exciting, encouraging, touching, sad, and all for only 125 pages worth of effort.

The George and Lenny relationship is one of the best in all of literature. The title of the book comes from a Robert Burns poem called 'To a Mouse'. A line in the poem says: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley." 'Gang aft agley' = 'often go awry'. This line is entirely revealing of the eventual outcome of the story. Lenny, a mentally challenged man, loves hearing George tell him about their plans to eventually own their own place and Lenny will take care of the rabbits. Every time George tells the story Lenny gets so pumped. It's actually quite adorable, I must say. It's also sad, especially the last time George tells Lenny about their plans. About one of the saddest and most touching moments in literature.

Also, a forewarning similar to the one I gave for 'The Catcher in the Rye', the book has a fair share of cussing.

Two quotes:

"Guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella."

"He subsided, grumbling to himself, threatening the future cats which might dare to disturb the future rabbits." Ha ha, Lenny's the best.

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